Purchasing a Business: Key Considerations Part 2 of 2

Tips for Choosing a Business Broker

Once you’ve defined your criteria and objectives, conducted market research and sought professional guidance, then it’s time to move forward with the below.

Perform Due Diligence:

Thoroughly examine the financial, legal, and operational aspects of the business. Review financial statements, tax records, contracts, leases, and other relevant documents. Assess the business’s reputation, customer base, intellectual property, and any potential liabilities. Identify any red flags or areas requiring further investigation.

Evaluate Business Valuation:

Determine the fair market value of the business by considering its financial performance, assets, liabilities, industry benchmarks, and growth potential. Seek professional assistance to ensure an accurate valuation. Consider factors such as goodwill, customer relationships, and proprietary technology.

Negotiate and Structure the Deal:

Once you are satisfied with the due diligence results, negotiate the purchase price and terms with the seller. Consider financing options, payment structure, and potential contingencies. Work closely with your attorney and accountant to draft a comprehensive purchase agreement that protects your interests.

Secure Financing:

Assess your financial capacity and explore financing options (SBA loan or owner financing). This could also include personal savings, loans, lines of credit, or seeking investors. Prepare a detailed business plan and financial projections to demonstrate the viability of the business to potential lenders or investors, if you’re going that route.

Transition and Integration:

Develop a detailed transition plan to smoothly take over the business operations. Establish clear communication with employees, customers, and suppliers. Retain key employees when necessary and ensure a seamless transition to maintain business continuity and customer satisfaction.